Thursday, November 03, 2005

Clay + Fire = beauty

To be transformed by fire is hot. You never know when the heat will be turned up, when the water will come, and when the relief is near. All you see is sitting in the flames and feeling the pain. You are too scared to look down for fear that you are burning, and you are too afraid to cry because fire absorbs water.

How do you survive? The answer is all in the pain. If you are not burned then you will not shine. You will stay soft and pliable more apt to be crushed. To be burned is to become strong, to feel the glaze harden up and to start to see the beauty of the carvings and colors that the potter has created in you.

Cool refreshing water can be found in the Potters hands. Once the kilm is finished to be dipped in water is to be cleansed of the soot and the shame of the fire and to be transformed into something you can use.

Today I feel more secure and beautiful than ever before. I feel that even though I'm walking through the storm I feel as if I'm walking on water surrounded by angels walking me over the waves. never before have I felt this at peace because I know without fail that I would not be here if my heavenly Father was not carrying me through the storm.

there is a famous song that says "sometimes he calms the storm, and other times he calms his child" The storm continues but he has calmed my heart.

His plan will succeed!!


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