L.I.F.E A four letter word
If one were to look at life, they would see an abundance of 4 letter words. A first KISS, but then DUMP(ed), You are BORN, then you are DEAD. You eat FOOD, dream WISH(es), GOAL(s), and so much more. What I guess I'm getting at is that LIFE is full of ups and downs and most of the time they are on opposite ends of the spectrum of emotions. Why is that? Why can you be going along and boom when you least expect it you are catabulted from midstream to danger break down mood emotion meltdown, or amazing over the top can't stand still joy.
I wasn't born to be an extremist, why is my life following the path of one?
So I say....."Some go through life never knowing what living is, but I am on a path of fullness, and will experience each situation that comes to the fullest extent. The middle is not a place for me, I may not enjoy the catapult life, but I will not die without knowing that each day in my life I knew what it meant to breath and feel the breath fill my lungs and leave through slow exhale.
So here's to LIFE, may it always be a four letter word, the words that carry passion, substance, and forever mold our existense.