The fight is on: Human vs The World
Contrary to popular belief we as humans can handle more than we give ourselves credit for. The difference is how we handle situations. For instance if you have been reading my posting you will most likely see that the past couple of months have been painful and filled to the brim with life circumstances beyond my control. However you would think this life would stop and offer my sympathy in the little things.
True and Untrue. Surrounded by love in the strangest ways I have been encouraged and uplifted despite the negativity and discouragement this world has thrown at me. I have chosen not to give up on my life, on my beliefs, and on my trust in healing. People I would of never expected to help in my process of reviving my torn and tattered life and come running to my aid. Of course they don't know my life is in shambles, but somehow just calling me or writing me to see how my day is going was enough for me to smile or give a small chuckle and continue on.
However the untruth to life giving me a break lies in little things as well. For instance I found out yesterday on my way home from work that my dog had chewed through her second harness. She is too strong for a collar and chokes herself severely but she can't stand the harness idea either. No matter how careful my husband and I are with chasing her around the house preventing her from chewing on her own clothing she tends to find a quite corner when we fail to watch and chew until her hearts content. Money being thrown out the window and discouragement sets in as I feel failure fast approaching on my dog and her trailing capabilities.
Secondly work is fine.....Until the carpet cleaners come....I am allergic to the very chemical sprays they used. I left work a mess last night, throat closed, coughing, breathing issues and eye swelling. No I was not crying out of my tattered life, I was crying because I couldn't help it, my tear ducts were screaming save us save us from this awful chemical! I only cease to get over the effects of the cleanest floor in the universe to find myself returning to the torture device my cubicle has now become. The tears have returned. To think just last night I told a friend the tears of my tattered life are done. There is no more emotion left to cry, well here I am tearing up over a floor.
Imagine with me once again how I have to view the funniest things in life and circumstantial evidence that the world is having fun at my expense. What do I have to say to that? Go ahead world take your best shot. I have proven over and over again that humans are stronger than you think, and well with God's promise that He will give me only what I can with stand maybe this third harness I'm about to buy will be the one my dog will not chew through. Maybe the world will take a breather in it's corner as I go to God and become renewed ready and willing to face the next fight when the bell rings.
I may lose certain rounds in this boxing challenge, but I know in the end I will win the match and in my mind that is the battle the matters most.
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