Forget Yesterday and Push for tomorrow
I did it, I am now in Grad School officially. I have received my books, printed my syllabus and am looking excitedly at the future of my Graduate career. Why am I so excited? 3 long years I have waited for this. I have overcome the fear and released the anxiety and finally forgot and moved pasted all the failings of yesterday and am pressing forward toward tomorrow.
Where has my ambition come from you may ask yourself. Well I may have been to hell and back in the past 7 years but I have stood the test of time, the test of trials, the tests that Job himself faced and I still stand, I look toward the sky and what do I see? I see hope, I see joy and I see a future because my Savior lives. I may not know when the storms come and go, I may be in the middle of one right now, I am surrounded as the disciples were. No end in site, however I look across the dark and murky sea and again what do I see? The same thing I see when I looked to the sky, I see hope, I see a future, I see my Savior walking across the water. Not only is he walking but he is running toward me to comfort me and surround me with his love.
It's like the song from Casting Crowns. I will Praise you in this Storm. Why? Because it is a storm and who knows a storm better than the very creator of the storm? God you are Guide, my Protector, and again my Savior. I will fear no evil because you are with me!
What does this all have to do with Grad school. More than you could ever know. When I take one step forward (grad school) I feel as though the devil is sending me 2 steps back (the stormy trial my family and I are going through). No longer will I fear the 2 steps back because I know that is where God wants me, on His path, walking next to him. No longer will it be two steps back in my mind, but just one extra step that I have been given to walk with my Lord.
So here is to Grad School, a new journey admist the old!
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