The Maiden Name Curse ~~~
Here I am almost 3 years into my marriage with many wonderful unforgettable experiences, and many that have (lets just say) are making me stronger, making my marriage stronger....and I'm still experiencing the Maiden Name Curse. Now I really don't believe much in curses, but to be part of the family legion I come from you would start to believe in curses.
1.) When I was born I put my mom through 40 hours of labor and she still needed a c-section. Once they cut her open they had to push me out, because as she puts it I was holding on to her for dear life.
2.) Every vacation growin up not only did it rain every day (on every vacation, I'm not lying, that's almost 15 vacations) but something bad would happen.
a.) my sister slammed her thumb in a glass closet 5 minutes after we got to disney
world and were in the hotel. We spent 5 hours in an emergency room in florida.
b.) my mom gave herself sun poisoning and had to leave my sister and I in a hotel room
with my grandparents while they spent the whole night in the ER
c.) my dad broke his ankle
d.) the lists goes on and on, most of the time we were just wickedly sick
3.) I just bought a brand new MacBook Pro. Took it home, it's one out of a million that has a software issue, I have to take it back. This second computer within 2 months doesn't want to eject my DVD's back to me, so it's in the shop
4.) My dad dropped an expensive camera in a whitewater rapids ride at a local theme park
5.) My mom homeschooled me for my 6th grade year, but then became ill, I spent the whole year making mac and cheese and watching the price's right. Needless to say I passed the test at the end of the year, LOL
6.) My mom broke her leg walking across our yard on my parents way into the house from and evening out celebrating their anniversary. Not too bad, but she broke the only bone in your foot you never want to break.
7.) After I finally had a reliable car, brand new saturn, 3 months into owning it I had a hit and run and have a big battle scar.
the list continues on and on. Basically the curse of my maiden name is as follows. Nothing ever is easy, nothing happens as it's supposed to, and once something does happen it take moving a mountain to fix it. My family created the murphies law and every day of our lives we are cursed to prove to the world that it is true. Even getting married did not help. You cannot run, you cannot hide..I'm sorry to all my furture children that the curse of my maiden name will be upon you.
.....maybe if I adopt. hehe.
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