Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wow too much has happened, hang on!!!

So the last time I wrote was in August and now it's July??? Where have I been? Funny pretty much everywhere. Since my last post I have become a mother, yes a mother. I am 6 months pregnant and finally learning to enjoy it after 5.5 months of extreme morning (24/7) morning sickness and exhaustion. The baby is kicking like no other and my husband and I are finally letting the fact that we are parents sink in. I just keep remember the expression on my brother in law's face when he was carring his son for the first time out of the delivery room. He was dazed, nervous, and bewildered on how this little life was going to change the rest of his life.

I am feeling the same way. I walk by the nursery and wonder what kind of changes will soon be coming once there is a little one sleeping (or not sleeping) in the crib.

I also am about to complete my first full year of gradschool. I am happy to report it has been a success so far. I want to laugh in the face of those, including schools who turned me down, who said I couldn't do it. Ha, is what I say, and Go Jen is another phrase that comes to mind. I'm here for a reason and my passion for my major and dream of counseling is not just a misc thought, but my destiny.

Our 2 year old dog who has been a joy and a pain all in one breath is finally come into her own and is a wonder to be around. She's a doll and we look forward to many laughs once our little bundle of joy enters this world to meet her big hairy 80lb black lab/greatdane mixed sister, hehe.

Well that's all for now, there is so much to write and so little time....


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