Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The Boy Who Changed the World!

As a children's version of the newest book on The Butterfly Effect, The Boy Who Changed the World hold captivation imagery. A story line of how one person gave life to another person's idea, begging a history long story line of inventions changing our ways of life could be nothing short of proof of God's creativity. Yes the tapestry of God's plan continues to unfold in the most unique ways even outside the circle of Christianity. He is the very one who created the idea of 6 degrees of separation. I would highly recommend this book for children who are either in love with history or need to find truth and fun in history. It is a little long winded for the younger crowd, however intrigue in how each invention and how it had come from something previous will hold even the most ADHD child. My child is currently 3, however this will be one book I will be honored to pull out in a few years for her!


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